Peru Day 7 (Friday)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

On day 7 we went to Maccu Piccu!
We got there by bus, van, train and bus again.
That took awhile!
When we got to Maccu Piccu we hiked up a mountain that overlooks the ruins.
 It was amazing to see what the Incans had done without any of our fancy machines and tools.
The view of from the mountain is simply breathtaking!
Words just can't describe the beauty that God made when he placed those mountains there!
the mountains with the beautiful ruins are just gorgeous!
After we spent a couple hours walking through the ruins and taking lots of pictures, we went to lunch.
After lunch, we went to the market that was by the train station.
I found so much beautiful stuff there!
I spent most of the rest of my soles (their money) there.
Our trip back to the hotel took much longer than the way there had.
Eventually, we got back (at 9:30pm) to the hotel.
I didn't make it even half-way through dinner but retreated back to our room to pack up my stuff.
Thank you for praying for us!

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